Nicole studied at the Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education for five years. She is graduating from Academy IV.
The years spent at this wonderful establishment have taught me the importance of discipline and structure, as well as the significance of kindled friendships. I've been given the opportunity to meet some of my best friends in the world, dance in New York, Moscow and Australia, perform with exceptionally talented dancers, and even become a beacon of hope for those who believe ballet has a certain skin tone or body type.
My favorite moments were those that came weeks prior to a performance. The studios would buzz with energy undulating right from the dancers' backs. Watching Company rehearsals always felt like a special privilege that I only wish I could relive. It seems like only yesterday I visited Atlanta Ballet for a school field trip, excited that people actually got paid to dance this beautifully, and vowing that I would one day dance at Atlanta Ballet. Opportunities I could only dream of, such as meeting Misty Copeland, dancing at the Bolshoi Academy, dancing with Claudia Dean, and watching and dancing with the talented Alvin Ailey dancers manifested themselves in the best possible way.
Thank you Ms. Sharon and the amazing staff, especially Ms. Diane Sales, for cultivating a nurturing environment, giving me and other dancers such a wonderful experience, and for opening the door for many more to come!