Academy Levels I & II
Academy Levels I & II are designed for our youngest dancers beginning committed preparatory training. By audition only.
More Information
By invitation only.
This level will be comprised of a select group of invited talented young dancers. The dancers will be recommended by CDE faculty and the Principals before being approved by the Dean. They will train exclusively with Academy faculty. Classes meet five days per week. All enrolled students are required to participate in Spring Concert. Rehearsals begin during class in January 2025.
Academy I: Ages 9 and up
Academy II: Ages 10 and up
Enrollment Information
Auditions are required. Please contact admissions.
Michael C. Carlos Dance Centre
Kelly Tonina Cooper, Centre Administrative Director
404.873.5811 x1225
Registration Fee
Early (Current CDE families that register by May 5): $35
Regular (All families, May 6 - Aug 4): $50
Late (All families, Aug 5 onward): $75
Annual Tuition
Academy I
Annual Tuition: $2,420 (Includes performance fees.)
1 Installment: $2,337.25 (5% tuition discount applied; valid thru Aug 4)
2 Installments: $1,210 per installment (1st due at registration, 2nd due by January 1st; available thru Sept. 4)
10 Installments: $242 per installment (1st and last installments due at registration)
Academy II
Annual Tuition: $3,015 (Includes performance fees.)
1 Installment: $2,903 (5% tuition discount applied; valid thru Aug 4)
2 Installments: $1,507.50 per installment (1st due at registration, 2nd due by January 1st; available thru Sept. 4)
10 Installments: $301.50 per installment (1st and last installments due at registration)
Dress Code
Uniform leotards are exclusively available at the Atlanta Ballet Boutique, along with shoes, tights, and other dance supplies. Questions? Contact the boutique.
Credit Requirements
Academy I & II
10.75 hours per semester