Spring Concert

Spring Concert 2025

Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center

Spring Concert 2025

Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center

Spring Concert 2025 | April 13 - 19, 2025

The Centre for Dance Education's annual spring concert will be held at the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center from Sunday, April 13 to Saturday, April 19, 2025. Ten shows throughout the week will showcase all of the hard work our students have accomplished this year.

The spring concert dress rehearsal and performance schedule is below. Bookmark this page as a reference as more details emerge.

The Big Bun Theory: Braids, Bobs, and Bangs

Get performance ready at our annual ballet bun workshop! This hands-on workshop is FREE and open to the public. Learn tips and tricks to style your student's hair for their big show. Centre students and staff will be available to assist. All styles, textures, and protective styles will be addressed.

NEW: We are including a 20-minute light stage makeup demo!

Saturday, March 15

Backstage Student Helpers

If your student is interested in assisting backstage, please complete the form below. Students who currently assist with a class must also complete the form to confirm their participation backstage.

- Students must be in level B3 or higher, or age 11 and up
- Students must be able to stay for the entire 3 hr shift
- We are not requesting parents for backstage; students only

Concert Tickets

All tuition accounts must be paid in full by April 1, 2025.

If your account for the Centre for Dance Education 2024-2025 school year is paid in full, then your complimentary Spring Concert tickets will be automatically distributed via email. Each family will receive 4 tickets per show in which their student is performing. If your student is in additional pieces, you will receive two additional tickets per performance. A link will be included in your email to purchase additional tickets at $20 each. If you do not receive an email by April 3 and you believe your account is paid in full, please email admissions.

- Ticket emails will be sent out on a rolling basis as accounts are paid in full up until the week of the concert, beginning April 3.
- This is a manual process and patience is appreciated. Everyone will get their tickets.
- Theatre seating is open, meaning that there are no seat assignments: first come, first seated.
- Every person, including infants and toddlers, must have a ticket.

Tickets will not be available for purchase or pickup in person, neither at the Centre locations nor at the theatre.

Academy Tickets

Everyone is invited to watch our Academy students, levels 1 - 6 perform on Friday, April 18 at 6:30 pm. This performance is free and open to all - no ticket is required but reservations are preferred. Reservation link coming soon.

Spring Concert Tees

Celebrate your performance with the exclusive 2025 Spring Concert Tee, designed especially for CDE dancers! This limited-edition recital shirt is the perfect way to commemorate your hard work and dedication this season.

Price: $25
Pre-Sale Deadline:
Pickup Begins:
April 1 at your specified location - You will receive a confirmation email from Boutique.

Please enter your pickup preference in the Special Instructions section or default to MCC. Available in all sizes.

Spring Concert Flower Bouquets

Celebrate your dancer’s performance with a choice between 2 beautiful bouquets, available for pre-order and pick-up at the theatre during Spring Concert performances! Each bouquet is uniquely styled by our dedicated parent volunteers and elegantly wrapped and tied with ribbon.

A limited selection of bouquets will be available at the theatre, but they will be first come, first served. Pre-order to ensure availability!
Pre-Order Deadline
City Springs Theatre on the day of your Dancers’ performance.

All proceeds from Spring Concert pre-orders directly support the Centre for Dance Education's programs and community engagement initiatives, helping us continue to inspire, educate, and make dance accessible to all. Thank you for your support!


Performance videos will be available through Saturn Blu Productions. Pre-orders open soon.

Good To Know:

Performance Date: this is the date of your dress rehearsal AND performance
Dancer Call Time:
this is when your dancer should arrive at the theatre for drop-off
Dress Rehearsal:
this is when your student's show will rehearse inside the theatre; you are not required to stay on the premises
Show Time:
this is your student's actual show; please arrive 15 minutes before the start for general seating

The spring concert dress rehearsal and performance schedule are below. Locate your student's class by level/location/class/instructor and make note of your performance number, and dancer arrival time for your performance.

For additional information about the theatre, parking, hair, etc. check back here for your day-of memo.

*No regularly scheduled classes will be held during spring concert week. All rehearsals and performances will be at the theatre.
*Classes will resume Monday, April 21. The school year ends on Sunday, June 1.

Warm-Up Classes (Optional)

For levels BIV through CI, your student can arrive a bit early to take a warm-up class before their rehearsal and performance. If you can attend, please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before check-in and be ready to begin warm-up promptly at the times listed below. We hope your student can join us!
*Participating students may arrive in their Centre uniform to the theatre with their costumes in hand.

Warm-up times are as follows:

Performance 4Monday, April 144:30-4:50 pm
Performance 5Tuesday, April 154:30-4:50 pm
Performance 6Wednesday, April 164:30-4:50 pm
Performance 9Saturday, April 192:30-2:50 pm

Performance Schedules 2025

On mobile, the chart is best viewed in portrait orientation. Each class is assigned one dress rehearsal and one final show, both performed on the same day.

The lists below are NOT in show order. SUNDAY, APRIL 13 SHOW TIMES HAVE BEEN UPDATED as of March 4.

PERFORMANCE 1 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Sunday, April 13
Dancer Call Time:
Dress Rehearsal:
Show Time:

VHAThu3:30pMadelin Jamison


Kelly Tonina Cooper
MCCAIISat9:00aKameron Davis
MCCASat9:45aKelly Tonina Cooper
BHAIIIWed4:30pAmelia Murren
BHAIWed3:15pNadyne Bispo
MCCATue3:15pCourtney Johnson
BHAISat11:30aAmelia Murren
BHAIIISat11:30aCourtney Johnson

PERFORMANCE 2 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Sunday, April 13
Dancer Call Time:
Dress Rehearsal:
Show Time:



10:00aAmelia Murren
BHAIISat10:45aAmelia Murren
BHAISun12:45pCourtney Johnson
BHAIISun12:00pCourtney Johnson
MCCAIThu4:15pCourtney Johnson

Kelly Tonina Cooper

MCCAIIIMon4:30pKelly Tonina Cooper
VHAIIWed3:30pMia Givens
BHAMon3:15pNadyne Bispo

PERFORMANCE 3 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Sunday, April 13
Dancer Call Time: 4:30p
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00-5:45p
Show Time:

BHAIIIMon4:30pAmelia Murren
BHBTue4:30pKameron Davis
MCCBTue4:15Shirley Bennett
MCCBOYS INTROFri4:15pRoscoe Sales
MCCBOYS IFri5:00pRoscoe Sales
MCCBOYS IIFri6:00pRoscoe Sales
BHBIMon4:00pNadyne Bispo


Madelin Jamison
VHTAP IThu5:30pCalla Vaughn
VHBIThu4:15pCalla Vaughn

PERFORMANCE 4 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Monday, April 14
Dancer Call Time:
Warm-up Class: 4:30-4:50p
Dress Rehearsal:
Show Time:

BHBIThu5;00pMarlena Abaza
BHJAZZ ITue6:30pArneshuia Nelson
MCCBIMon5:00pKameron Davis
BHBWed3:45pShirley Bennett
BHMODERN ISat10:00aArneshuia Nelson
VHTAP IITue7:30pCalla Vaughn

Ashley Suta

VHJAZZ IIWed7:30pCourtney Johnson
BHHIP HOPTue5:45pKameron Davis

PERFORMANCE 5 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Tuesday, April 15
Dancer Call Time:
Warm-up Class: 4:30-4:50p
Dress Rehearsal:
Show Time:

MCCBVTue6:15pCourtney Johnson
BHBIVTue6:30pMarlena Abaza
BHBVMon5:30pAmelia Murren
BHMODERN IISat11:00aArneshuia Nelson
MCCBIVTue6:30pShirley Bennett
MCCBWed4:00pKameron Davis
VHBVTue5:30pMadelin Jamison
VHBIIIThu6:30pCalla Vaughn
VHJazz IMon5:45pCourtney Johnson
MCCBITue5:30pShirley Bennett
VHBWed4:15pMia Givens

PERFORMANCE 6 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Wednesday, April 16
Dancer Call Time:
Warm-up Class: 4:30-4:50p
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00-6:15p
Show Time: 6:30-7:30p

VHBIIMon4:15pHan Myers
VHMODERNThu7:30pMadelin Jamison
VHBIIIMon6:45pCourtney Johnson
VHC/CITue5:30pCalla Vaughn
BHC/CIWed6:30pShirley Bennett
BHJAZZ IITue7:30pArneshuia Nelson
VHBIWed4:30pCourtney Johnson

Academy Performance

Thursday, April 17
Call Time: 4:00p
4:30-5:30p (warm-up)

6:00-8:00p (rehearsal)



Friday, April 18
Call Time: 4:00p
5:00-6:00p (warm-up)

6:30-8:30p (performance)

PERFORMANCE 7 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Saturday, April 19
Dancer Call Time:
Dress Rehearsal: 9:15-10:00a
Show Time:

MCCAIIISat10:30aKelly Tonina Cooper
VHAITue3:30pMadelin Jamison
BHAIIWed3:30pAmelia Murren
MCCAISat9:45aKameron Davis
VHAIIITue4:30pMia Givens
VHAIMon4:00pMia Givens
BHAIIMon3:30pAmelia Murren
VHAIIMon4:00pCourtney Johnson

PERFORMANCE 8 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Saturday, April 19
Dancer Call Time:
Dress Rehearsal: 12:00-12:45p
Show Time:

VHASat9:00aLay'la Rogers
VHAIISat9:00aMia Givens
VHAISat10:00aAshley Suta
VHAIIISat9:45aMia Givens
BHAThu3:15pAmelia Murren
BHAITue3:30pAmelia Murren
VHAWed3:45pCourtney Johnson
BHAISat10:45aCourtney Johnson

PERFORMANCE 9 (not in show order)

Performance Date: Saturday, April 19
Dancer Call Time:
Warm-up Class: 2:30-2:50p
Dress Rehearsal:
Show Time:

BHCONTEMPORARYTue5:30pArneshuia Nelson


BVTue7:00pAmelia Murren
BHBIITue4:15pAmelia Murren
BHTAPMon6:30pCaitlin Spencer
BHBIVMon6:30pNadyne Bispo
BHBIIMon5:15pNadyne Bispo
MCCBIIThu5:00pCourtney Johnson
BHBIIIMon5:00pShirley Bennett
BHBIIITue5:30pAmelia Murren
HollisEnsembleJasmine Stevenson
ParklaneEnsembleArneshuia Nelson
UtopianEnsembleKameron Davis